These CBAP Exam questions are based on the latest CBAP exam pattern. These questions are taken from CBAP Question bank with simulator.
Each question has one correct answer only. Once you finish the test, click on the SUBMIT button.
You can, then, see the test results with correct answers and explanations for each answer.
CBAP Practice Test
Did you like these CBAP Exam Questions?
Then, you can also check out the CBAP Question bank and Simulator. You can try our simulator for Free and see the performance reporting and other features of the simulator.
CBAP Question Bank and Simulator
The key features of our question bank are as follows:
- Four levels of CBAP Questions.
- Level 1 is the basic revision for each chapter (Warm-up questions)
- Level 2 is the drill-down set (scenario-based questions), which you configure for time and number of questions.
- Level 3 is 25+ case studies on CBAP Exam pattern with more than one question per case study.
- Level 4 is the full-length simulation test with 120 questions and 3.5 hours duration.
- Detailed analysis of test with the correctness of answers and explanation
- Reporting dashboard showing your overall progress
- Reporting dashboard showing chapters/tests, where you are below the desired score
What do Students say about our CBAP test series and Training program?
You can read all the feedback on the CBAP Question Bank with Simulator page or on the CBAP certification course page.
Thanks for giving finishing touches to my preparation. I cleared CBAP yesterday
Viswas Srivastava
One more piece of feedback,
The learning experience during the course was fascinating. The trainer was mind-blowing in explaining the concepts & techniques, as well as the entire content of BABOK. I’m glad i have enrolled for this course, because of the trainer, course materials & most importantly, the practice questions(including case study examples). I would recommend Techcanvass to everyone aspiring to appear for CBAP.
Vijay Anandh
You can also check out our Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) course.
Techcanvass offers IT certification courses for professionals. We are an IIBA endorsed education provider (EEP), iSQI ATP (for Certified Agile Business Analyst Training) as well as an Agile Testing alliance partner for CP-SAT certification training in Selenium.