PSM Practice Test

PSM Sample Questions – with Answers & Explanations

These PSM questions are based on the latest exam pattern and have been taken from our PSM training course. It includes questions related to scenarios, case studies, and exercises. You can take these PSM Exam questions test to self-assess your preparation for the exam and determine the areas where more improvement is required.

Our Professional Scrum Master Certification training course includes free PSM exam questions. This is a fully functional, yet concise and complete PSM question bank which will help you in preparing for the PSM exam. 

The PSM exam question bank simulator comes with the following features:

  • Warm-Up tests – chapter-wise
  • Dedicated Workshops to help you to practice and to learn the tricks of answering the latest PSM-type questions.
  • Case Study-Based Questions (The case studies with multiple questions)
  • Full-length Simulations (When you score 70% consistently in Drill downs)
  • Detailed Analysis of each test with answer explanations
  • Performance report and trends
  • Report on Tests wherever you have scored less than 70%

In this practice test, there are twenty three questions. Click on the SUBMIT button to finish your test.

Once you finish the test, you will find a detailed analysis of the test. This detailed analysis will have correct answers and explanations for the correct answer.

PSM Practice Test

Welcome to your PSM Exam Questions

Which of these are scrum artefacts (select all relevant answers)

Add description here!

What is Scrum?

By the end of a retrospective session, the team must be able to identify?

Daily Stand up is held at

What are we referring to with this statement: "short, simple descriptions of a feature told from the perspective of the person who desires the new capability, usually a user or customer of the system."

Select all the relevant scrum events

The commitment from the sprint backlog is?

Which of these are story estimation techniques

As a Scrum Master, you should assign the task to the Developers

Who represents the stakeholders within the scrum team

A scrum master can also work as a

When might a Sprint be Terminated?

Which standard structure should be followed while writing an user story

Fill in the blank: _________________________ does not hold the authority to remove or add someone to the team or any other project management responsibilities involved. They simply help the scrum team to work within the scrum boundaries.

The developers in the team are always managed by?

What is Agile?

Who are the participants of the sprint planning event?

Which of the following is not a Scrum Event?

With whom can the developers negotiate scope of the sprint with?

Who ensures that the Product Backlog is transparent, visible and understood?

The focus of scrum master is to create a self-managing team

Which statement is true from the Agile Manifesto Perspective?

The Scrum Team Consists of (select the correct answers)

About Techcanvass

Techcanvass is a premier Endorsed Education Provider (EEP) of the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), Canada. Also, We offer the Scrum Master Training course for Scrum Master professionals or freshers looking to gain momentum in the Scrum Management domain. 


Category: Mock Tests

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