Business Analyst Interview questions

What are Some Scenario based and Logical Questions that are Asked in a Business Analyst Interview?

Are you going to appear for the business analyst interview? If yes, then you should be ready for scenario and behavioural questions also. What are Some Scenario-based and Logical Questions that are Asked in a Business Analyst Interview?

In this post, we will look at the top commonly asked scenario-based and behavioural questions. I will also provide answers/guidelines to a few questions, which will enable you to prepare answers for other similar questions.

Types of Business Analyst Interview Questions

As a business analyst, you will be asked multiple types of questions in the interview. Let’s understand these types:

Core Business Analysis Skills

Core business analysis refers to the business analysis skills like requirements gathering, elicitation techniques, business analysis, UML modelling, Agile, user stories, SQL etc. Some examples are as follows:

  • What is functional decomposition?
  • What are Include & Extend relationships between use cases?
  • Are you familiar with use cases and user stories? How are they different or they are the same?
  • What is BRD? Have you prepared a BRD? Is it different from SRS?

Scenario-based Questions

These questions are asked to check your knowledge in a given situation. They are mostly related to business analysis skills and would test your BA skills in a given situation. Some of the questions could be as follows:

  • There are multiple stakeholders and are located at geographically diverse locations, which elicitation techniques would you be using?
  • Are you familiar with Process Modelling? If your customer is not familiar with either DFD or UML diagrams, will you still use process modelling? What would be your approach?

Behaviour / Problem-solving Questions

This is becoming an integral part of every BA interview and most of our students have confirmed this trend. These questions are asked to check the following:

  • How do you react to unfamiliar situations (out of your comfort zone)?
  • How do you approach a problem and how good is your Problem-solving ability?

There may not be a unique answer to these questions. The interviewer is looking to check your approach to solving the situation. Some of the questions could be as follows:

  • If you have started a franchisee of a retail pharma chain, how will you go about it?
  • You are supposed to implement an automatic traffic controller on a 6-directional road. What are factors you will keep in your mind designing this? What questions will ask your clients regarding this?

Question with Answer

Are you familiar with Process Modelling? If your customer is not familiar with either DFD or UML diagrams, will you still use Process Modelling? What would be your approach?

Process modelling is the technique of visually representing the system processes. A top-level diagram shows high-level processes and it is further detailed out in the next few levels. Typically 3 levels of detailing is good enough for every project. Process modelling helps in analysing the processes better and also helps in optimising them if needed.

Data Flow diagrams (DFD) and UML diagrams are more powerful modelling techniques but require a learning curve to understand them. In case, the customer or technical team is not familiar with these two techniques, we can use flow charts which is probably one of the simplest techniques. It’s simple to understand.

You can find more Entry level business analyst interview questions and an interview question on the elicitation approach

More Interview Preparation Resources

We keep publishing useful videos and Articles, which are based on our experience of conducting interviews in our Corporate lives. Here are the Top Resources:

Techcanvass offers a practical and result-oriented Job interview preparation program

About Techcanvass

Techcanvass offers IT certification courses for professionals. We are an IIBA Endorsed Education Provider (EEP), iSQI ATP (for Certified Agile Business Analyst Training) as well as an Agile Testing alliance partner for CP-SAT certification training in Selenium.

When you attend the ECBA training from Techcanvass, you have an option of opting for the Job interview preparation module, which prepares you for the business analyst interview also.

I have authored the following book on BA interview questions and answers with Scenario-based questions. You can buy the kindle edition from Amazon.

Business Analyst interview questions and answers book


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