Posts by Techcanvass Academy

Power BI Certification: Should You Go for It?

Power BI
Power BI certification
Introduction Power BI is the leading tool for data analytics that is in such an ever-evolving field; it has played out a whole level when talking about data visualization and business intelligence. Most of the companies all over the different sectors make use of it for the transformation of raw…

How To Install Selenium – With Python

selenium with python
Introduction to Selenium Selenium is free, multirated and powerful Web Browsers automation tool. It actually imitates the steps of performing real user’s actions interacting to web pages thus making widely implemented in web applications testing activities like web scraping. Selenium supports multiple programming languages such as Python, Java, C# and…

CBAP Certification – Everything You Want To Know

CBAP Certification
Overview Certified Business Analysis Professional Certification (CBAP) is the most reputed certification for business analysts. This certification is awarded by International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), Canada. Based on the Business Analysis Body Of Knowledge (BABOK), this certification demands a thorough understanding of business analysis practices, activities, and principles. It also…