Hiring Gap: Culture Clash & Mismatched Priorities

Bridging the Gap: Understanding What Employees Value Beyond Pay

There is a massive disruption happening in the work culture landscape today due to an increasing disjunction between what employers want and the relative importance for employees. 

This gap is felt most acutely in some sectors – especially HR and CSR roles, including nonprofit organizations and FMCGs struggling to find and keep talent. 

Major pain points may include salary misalignment, lack of skills necessary for certain positions, or culture fit challenges made even worse by a competitive marketplace and the ever-increasing requirement of flexibility in their work life. 

While these challenges are felt across multiple regions, they underscore a wider reality: organizations worldwide struggle to reconcile their recruitment policies with changing attitudes among the workforce.

With India and the Asia Pacific region having these dynamics in place, employees are increasingly specifying flexibility and career opportunities. 

This trend reflects a broader transformation within the job market wherein providing career development and flexible work environments have become essential to recruiting and retaining top talent. 

With organizations manoeuvring through these complexities, making sure your retention strategies meet the real needs of employees is critical: transparent pathways to promotion, support for role transitions, and while diversity and inclusion are not new concepts – they take on a sense of urgency that was missing. 

Addressing these gaps thoughtfully does more than just make companies look good to potential hires; it builds a workplace that seeks to retain and grow the individuals who make up its team – people who are equipped to succeed in an age of rapid technology discourse. Businesses must understand how this gap in digital literacy impacts both anon-digital employee culture, as well as their customer. 

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